Continuation of the CONVERSATION between Zakir and Alex:
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 8:18 AM
Hi Alex,
Sorry to say this - I don't think there is no point in continuing this discussion any more. To you your religion and to me my religion and we will see on the Judgement Day who has been the true worshipper of God and when every man from Adam PBUH till the last man on earth will be judge only by Allah and no other savior. By the way did you know that Allah is only the translation of the english word God? Even the middle easten christians whose mother tongue is arabic, use the word Allah when they pray. It just means God.
Anyway, I thought by explaining you the truth, you will see the light but if you want to continue to follow your way - so be it.
Good luck to you and as I said, we will see on the Judgement Day when every disbeliever in God and all the Prophets and Messengers will bite their own hand and say "Woe unto me, Had I only believed".
You don't need to respond to this - I wish and pray that someday you get guided to the right path. All the very best to you. After this you will not see another email from me. Good luck to you and your family.
Best regards,
Zakir Ali
Monday, July 4, 2011 1:04 AM
Dear Zakir,
It was sorry to hear that you want to stop discussion. We are not discussing about politics or such. We are discussing about the most important subject which determines where will we spend our eternity – Eternity in hell or eternity in heaven. I would really encourage you to continue this discussion for the sake of finding the truth. We can talk over the phone or in person if you do not like to write to me. Almighty God has given us opportunity to choose the correct path. It will be foolishness from our part if we do not investigate and choose the correct path especially when it is about us going to heaven or hell. You know that we both cannot be correct as Mohammad got revelations which are contrary to the Jewish and Christian prophets.
Let me tell you about one of the factors which directed me to study more on the Bible and its history. About 10 years ago I was not aware of the teachings of Quran and the teachings of Islam religion. At that time an unknown Muslim person sent me several emails at my work place stating that Jesus is just a prophet, Jesus did not die, He is not the Son of God, etc. I started to do more study on my own faith and on Islam. The more I studied I understood that there is too many evidence for the Jesus of the Bible who is the Only Savior who became a Human to die for the sins of the world and in fact no evidence for the Jesus of Quran other than Quranic claims who is just a prophet who did not die. Any way I do not want to write a lot. I would humbly ask you to investigate on the credibility of Quran and the revelations Mohammad received. Please start with how Mohammad received it first time. Then read about the life of historical Mohammad from haddiths and compare with the prophets of God. Also, please read a New Testament.
I did not only rely on intellectual investigation only to compare Quranic message and Biblical message but I relied on the spiritual aspects too. I was able to experience the filling of the Holy Spirit in my own life as it happened to the apostles and early Christians. This was the Comforter Jesus was mentioning about in John chapter 14. This event which happened on June 28, 2003 entirely changed my life and God is helping me to be a witness for Him. Do not think that it was by accident you met me on the street. God loves you and your family. God want you to know the truth. Not only you will save yourself you will save your family also if you come to Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins.
I cannot just tell you as you mentioned “To you your religion and to me my religion (this is from Quran)” since I know what would happen to you if you stay without choosing Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
To comment on your commend about the meaning of Allah: I know people use Allah for God. However, in Surah 4:125 there is two words for Allah. One is Il-lah (to god) and the other is Al-lah (the god). Al means ‘the’ in Arabic and lah means god. For all the 99 names of Al lah the article Al is used because it is a unique name attributed to God. Example: Al-Haq (the truth), Al-baeth (the resurrection), etc. By the way Jesus claimed that He is Al-Haq, Al-baeth, etc. In Quran Al was used only for Jesus other than Allah when it says Al-Maseeh!! If we say Allah is just Arabic term for god then how would the shahada statement would read? It would read “There is no god but god.” I do not think this makes sense.
Zakir now it is up to you to investigate on the truth. If you are ready to discuss over the phone or in person please let me know. I would be happy to discuss with you. I will be praying for you if God willing. God helped me to pray for you few times while I was fasting this weekend. May the Lord bless you and bring you and your family to Jesus for eternal Salvation.
With love and prayers
Your friend